MallorcaMagic's ChatGPT Plugin: It's Not Just About Finding a Home, It's About Finding Mallorca
15 Dec 2023

MallorcaMagic's ChatGPT Plugin: It's Not Just About Finding a Home, It's About Finding Mallorca

Technology's progress is one of humanity's grand narratives. Every new invention with the potential to impact us all deserves our attention. Just look at the 20th century, with innovations like electricity, telephones, and cars. They didn't just make our lives easier; they lifted millions out of poverty.

We've witnessed incredible advancements in human life, and we naturally expect technology to keep evolving. It's been a boon for every industry imaginable. For example, historians tell us people traded for cave shelters even back in the day!

The 20th century saw the rise of television, which significantly boosted real estate marketing and searching. Ads provided a reliable resource for securing housing, turning it from a mere shelter into a profitable investment. This transformed the real estate sector into the massive $5.2 trillion industry it is today.

Agents, companies, and startups are constantly pushing this industry forward. But in 2023, a new horizon emerged: the power of generative AI.

Many dismissed it as a passing fad like NFTs, but they were wrong. Generative AI has become so interwoven with our lives that some even fear it might replace us one day. At hello:here, we firmly believe that AI won't take our jobs; it'll empower professionals who embrace it.

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Generative AI has been a game-changer for us at hello:here. Tools like hello:magic, hello:chat, and Mallorcamagic's Ana AI wouldn't be possible without it. Watching people use similar AI like ChatGPT for writing, brainstorming, and even research got us thinking.

And guess what we discovered during our Ana AI testing? Some users actually preferred getting real estate info from an AI assistant. They found it faster, more accurate, and surprisingly, more reliable than dealing with a person!

So we took those insights and built the "Mallorcamagic ChatGPT plugin for real estate," a first-of-its-kind in Europe. It's our way of harnessing the power of AI to revolutionize real estate information.

Step by Step guide

With the Mallorcamagic ChatGPT plugin, finding your ideal property is as easy as using everyday language. Simply tell us your needs! For example, you can say:

  1. "I'm relocating to Mallorca for remote work and need a 3-bedroom apartment in Palma's center. My budget is between €2,800 and €3,000 per month."
  2. "Suggest some of the best duplex houses in Son Vida, with a budget of €3.5 million."

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Once you provide these prompts, our plugin will instantly present you with relevant options that match your criteria. With a single click, you'll be redirected to the corresponding listing on our Mallorcamagic website, where you can easily schedule a viewing.

You can know about the tool more by checking our video below:

Mallorcamagic plugin is now available to eligible ChatGPT users! You can install and enable it directly from the plugin store.

How can our plugin help you to find you dream Mallorca property?

Throughout this year, we've stored thousands of properties and meticulously analyzed their data using our integrated hello:data app. This comprehensive analysis allows us to organize our Mallorca Magic listings in a way that makes it easy for anyone to find their dream home.

We understand that searching for a house on a real estate platform can be overwhelming, with thousands of suggestions flooding your screen. As busy individuals, you don't have time to sift through every property. That's where our Mallorca Magic plugin comes in.

Our AI-powered plugin allows you to describe your specific requirements in detail, and it will instantly suggest listings that match your needs. You can even continue the conversation with the plugin to gain deeper insights into other properties that might fit your preferences.

We're constantly updating our listings and refining our plugin to offer the best possible experience for all users. We value your feedback and hope you'll find your magical home in Mallorca with us.
