AI-Powered Real Estate Search: How Hello:chat and Ana AI Strive to Revolutionize the Customer Service Industry in Real Estate
10 Nov 2023

AI-Powered Real Estate Search: How Hello:chat and Ana AI Strive to Revolutionize the Customer Service Industry in Real Estate

AI has always been a source of wonder and curiosity for people of all ages and times. It’s not just a fantasy or a fiction; it’s a part of our culture and society that we can’t ignore. But the truth is, we haven’t really experienced the full power of AI yet. We have some ideas and some glimpses, but the real, “Can this actually happen?” moment is still to come. We have felt its promise, but we’re still waiting for that amazing invention that will make it all real.

The pandemic was a turning point for generative AI. It unleashed its potential to transform many aspects of our world. From art to science, from education to entertainment, generative AI is reshaping the way we think and create.

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AI is amazing. It can do things faster, cheaper, and smarter than ever before. But that’s not all. AI is also opening new doors for us to explore. It’s making the world more connected and inclusive, giving everyone a chance to grow and learn. AI is not just a tool, it’s a vision. A vision of a better future for all.

We were amazed by the progress of AI and wondered: “How can we use AI to make a difference in the real estate industry?” This curiosity led us to create Mallorcamagic, the biggest real estate platform based on social media. We also launched hello:here biolink, a platform that lets you create a shoppable bio-link. Our goal is not only to integrate AI into our existing product, but also to explore new possibilities and products with the power of AI.

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We did market research, worked as a team and listened to the customer needs to develop useful and amazing products for real estate businesses. We have Hello:magic, an AI powered listing generator, an AI powered real estate swipe app (coming soon), and an AI data extractor for real estate (also coming soon).

We are working on some amazing products that will not only work well together, but also change the way AI-powered customer service and property search are done in the future. One of them is Ana AI, a property search engine that has access to over 74,000 properties across the beautiful island of Mallorca. The other one is Hello:chat, an AI-powered chatbot that can handle multiple channels of communication for real estate businesses.

Today, we want to tell you more about our two amazing products and how they can benefit both agents and buyers. You will learn what our products do, how they make your life easier, and how they work together to create a seamless experience.

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Ana AI - New addition to AI property search

Real estate search was always have been a daunting process for buyers. They check thousands of property but still always felt that something was they missed. At hello:here we always felt that filter search is not perfect and unable to cover what buyers really want.

During the rise of AI. We thought what is what if we make a feature where buyer can provide there needed requirement and then AI will suggest them properties via email. This is what Ana AI is.

Ana AI has extensive data of 74000 Mallorca property. Buyer simply has to provide basic information of the property requirement for example, What is plot size and land size of the property, what type of property they want, reason for buying property, extra amenities and more. then Ana Will suggest Properties based on buyer information provided.

This extensively help our buyers to save 80% of the time with the power of AI. We are also planning for more future update like it can learn from buyer’s feedback and behavior and provide trend and insight.

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Hello:chat - Multichannel AI powered chatbot powerhouse

Chatbots are becoming a popular tool for businesses to generate higher-quality leads. According to a survey, 55% of businesses use chatbots for this purpose, and they have seen a 67% increase in sales as a result.

However, not all chatbots are the same. Real estate agents need a chatbot that can cater to their specific needs and challenges. That’s why we created Hello:chat, the ultimate AI-powered chatbot for real estate customer service.

Hello:chat can answer complex questions, provide property suggestions, and increase lead conversion rates. In fact, research shows that B2B marketers who use chatbots can boost their lead generation volumes by 10 to 20%. But that’s not all. Hello:chat can also save time, reduce cost, improve online service management, and more.

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Ana AI & Hello:chat - Collaboration between two products

Our vision at Hello:here is to create a comprehensive real estate service platform that integrates our products seamlessly. Ana AI and Hello:chat are the key components of this vision. Currently, Hello:chat uses Ana AI to provide real-time customer support through a chatbot. However, we are not stopping there. We are working hard to make the following features a reality.

  1. Property Search Assistance: With “Hello:chat”, users can easily find their dream properties by chatting with a virtual assistant that connects to “Ana AI”. Users can simply type or say what they are looking for, such as “I want a three-bedroom house with a pool”, and the virtual assistant will ask “Ana AI” to recommend the best matches.
  2. Users can chat with “Hello:chat” while browsing the property listings suggested by “Ana AI”. The chatbot can answer any questions users have about the properties, provide more details, or even help users book a viewing appointment. Users can simply type or speak to the chatbot and get instant responses.
  3. How do you find the perfect property for you? With Hello:chat, you don’t have to search endlessly. Hello:chat knows what you like and what you need. It uses the data from your chats and your searches on Ana AI to give you personalized recommendations. Hello:chat can also suggest new properties that match your criteria and preferences. You can trust Hello:chat to find your dream home.
  4. You can chat with “Hello:chat” on different platforms, such as the Mallorcamagic website, social media, and messaging apps. Whether you want to start looking for properties or just have a chat, “Hello:chat” is ready to help. If you have any questions about the properties, “Hello:chat” will connect you to “Ana AI”, the smart assistant that knows everything about Mallorcamagic.
  5. "Hello:chat" can also serve as a customer support chatbot, assisting users with general inquiries and support requests related to property search. It can escalate complex property-related questions to "Ana AI" for more detailed responses.
  6. Data Sharing and Insights: Both “Ana AI” and “Hello:chat” can collect and analyze data on how users interact and what they prefer. This data can help enhance the user experience and offer more suitable property suggestions.

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Our primary objective is to

  1. Make Mallorcamagic a platform that connects buyers and agents in the real estate market.
  2. Hello:here bio link lets agents create and share links to their properties without needing a website.
  3. Hello:magic uses AI to write property listings that are unique and engaging, saving agents time and effort.
  4. Our property data extractor can scan thousands of property listings from various websites and create unique listings using AI. It can also upload them to Mallorcamagic’s database.
  5. Ana AI helps buyers find the best property for their needs from our extensive database in a fast and simple way.
  6. Hello:chat enables agents to communicate with their customers and potential leads through multiple chat channels in one dashboard.2of30

Each of our products has a unique purpose, but when they all come together in one business, they create something incredible.

As AI transforms various industries, the real estate sector is also moving towards a more connected and customer-centric future. We want to be part of this change, offering innovative solutions that use technology to connect the real estate market with the people who need it, making buying and selling properties easier and faster for everyone.
