Unveiling the Untold: 5 Surprising Aspects of Being a Real Estate Agent
23 Jun 2023

Unveiling the Untold: 5 Surprising Aspects of Being a Real Estate Agent

Embarking on a career as a real estate agent? There's a lot more to the profession than meets the eye. While you might have heard about the perks of the job, the reality is a bit more complex than a straightforward tally of advantages and disadvantages. Here are five surprising aspects of being a real estate agent that you probably didn't consider when you first contemplated this career path.

1. The Illusion of Being Your Own Boss

One of the supposed perks of a career in real estate is the freedom to be your own boss and set your own schedule. But let's peel back the layers of this claim. In reality, your clients are your bosses, and their needs dictate your schedule.

If you find your phone ringing at all hours and your weekends filled with property showings, you're not alone. This is the reality of being a real estate agent. It's inescapable. So, before you dive into this career, understand that your clients' needs will largely shape your life. It's just part of the deal.

2. The High Cost of Entry

Sure, a career in real estate can be lucrative. Many agents earn six-figure incomes through diligent work and successful transactions. But don't be fooled into thinking you'll become wealthy overnight. The journey to becoming a real estate agent can be quite costly.

To truly excel in your career and increase your earnings, you'll need to invest. This could mean paying a significant split to your brokerage or handling your own marketing expenses. Either way, finding and securing clients can be a costly endeavor.


3. The Uncertainty of Securing Clients Among Friends and Family

Just because people know you doesn't automatically mean they'll want to do business with you. This is a hard truth to swallow, but it's essential to understand.

By all means, let your friends and family know that you're in the real estate business. You might even get a referral or two. But remember, many people choose their agents based on experience.

If you're new to the game and haven't closed any deals yet, even your closest loved ones might hesitate to entrust you with their real estate transactions. So, while it's important to ask for referrals and promote your work, don't assume that people will automatically choose you as their agent.

Building trust takes time and effort, and at some point, someone will give you a chance. But you'll need to work hard to earn more clients.

4. The High Risk of Failure

Here's a sobering fact: about 87% of real estate agents leave the business within the first year, and over 80% quit within two years.

If you're starting with unrealistic expectations, you're likely to be disappointed, and you might not last. According to industry data, most real estate agents earn around 10.000 € in gross income in their first two years. That's not exactly a fortune.

To succeed, you'll need to work incredibly hard, and the rewards might not be as great as you initially thought, especially in the early years. So, don't enter the real estate world expecting to become a millionaire in your first year. Building a profitable business takes time and energy.


5. The All-Consuming Nature of the Job

Prioritizing is crucial in real estate. There's a good chance that your career will need to be the main focus of your life.

Expect to work more than 40 hours a week, spend your nights and weekends with clients, and be available for calls at any time.

To make it in this field, you'll need a lot of support from your family, especially in the first few years. You might not be able to spend as much time with them as you'd like, and they'll need to be understanding of that.

Is a Career in Real Estate Right for You?

Despite the challenges, a career in real estate can also offer many rewards. Over time, you'll be able to craft a schedule that suits you and spend more quality time with your family. As your business expands, you'll have the resources to take vacations, hire assistance, and grow your enterprise even further.

Remember, every profession has its ups and downs, and real estate is no exception. But with hard work, dedication, and a realistic understanding of the industry, you can navigate these challenges and build a successful career.
