Installation guide for Hello:chat in Social Media networks and other platforms
20 Aug 2023

Installation guide for Hello:chat in Social Media networks and other platforms

In this article, we will show you how to add Hello:chat to your social media accounts and other platforms. We will provide a step-by-step guide for each platform, making it easy for you to get started.

Hello:chat is our advanced multichannel chatbot tool with an AI-powered chatbot for real estate named Ana AI. We can revolutionize the way you communicate with your customers and generate leads for success.

We've found that a large portion of real estate agents' revenue comes from their online presence. However, managing multiple platforms at once can be time-consuming and reduce their overall chances of success. Our multichannel chat will help you communicate with potential clients and answer their questions across all platforms in one dashboard.

To import your social networks into our dashboard, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. We'll instruct you on how to do this in this article. If any social media platforms are missing, please contact us and we'll be happy to assist you.

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The settings below are related to the WhatsApp app.


  1. From Settings > Apps, click WhatsApp and enter your license key to install and activate the app. If you have the cloud version the app is already active.

WhatsApp Cloud API Setup

  1. Create a developer account and a new Facebook app as described at
  2. In Hello Chat > Settings > WhatsApp > Cloud API settings > Secret key enter a random string then go to and select your app. Click Add product and add WhatsApp, then go to WhatsApp > Configuration and in Webhook URL enter the URL you get from Hello Chat > Settings > WhatsApp > Cloud API > Configuration URL. In Verify token enter the secret key you previously entered in Hello Chat. Click Verify and save, click Webhook fields > Manage, enable the following Webhook fields: messages.
  3. To verify the integration, simply go to and select your app. From there, click on "WhatsApp" in the left menu and then select "API Setup". Copy the Phone number ID and paste it into Hello Chat > Settings > WhatsApp > Cloud API settings > Phone number ID. Enter the desired phone number in the "To" field, such as your personal WhatsApp number, and send a test message. Check your WhatsApp account and send a reply, which should then appear in Hello Chat. To reply to the test number from Hello Chat, copy the "Temporary access token" and paste it in Hello Chat > Settings > WhatsApp > Cloud API settings > Token.
  4. To activate the WhatsApp integration for all phone numbers and add a live phone number, refer to the following guidelines.

In Hello Chat > Settings > WhatsApp > Cloud API settings > Token enter the permanent access token, follow the instructions below for getting it.

  1. Visit and go to Left menu > Settings > Business settings, then go to Users > System Users to view your admin system user, or create a new one. Open the user and click Add Assets, then select the app used for the WhatsApp API integration and check Develop App, or Full control. The system user needs to be an admin. If you do not see the option, click Business settings.
  2. Click Left menu > Apps and under Select Assets and choose your app, enable Develop App, or Full control and save.
  3. From Users > System Users select the user you just created and click Generate New Token, click Apps and select the app used for the WhatsApp API integration, set the Token expiration to Never, enable the following permissions: whatsapp_business_managementwhatsapp_business_messagingbusiness_management. Click Generate Token and save. Paste the token in Hello Chat > Settings > WhatsApp > Cloud API > Token.
  4. To add additional phone numbers, you can do so by visiting, selecting your app, and navigating to Left menu > WhatsApp > API Setup. To get started, click on Add phone number at the bottom and follow the instructions provided. Please keep in mind that if you use your current WhatsApp business number in Hello Chat, it will no longer be usable with your WhatsApp Business app, and you will need to migrate it following these instructions. After activating the number, copy the Phone number ID and paste it into Hello Chat > Settings > WhatsApp > Cloud API settings > Phone number ID.

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The settings below are related to the Messenger app.


  1. From Settings > Apps, click Messenger and enter your license key to install and activate the app. If you have the cloud version the app is already active.
  2. Once the App is installed go to Settings > Messenger and click Start synchronization.
  3. Complete the synchronization by choosing at least 1 Facebook page and enter the returned information in Settings > Messenger > Facebook pages.
  4. You're done. All messages sent to the Facebook pages and Instagram accounts you selected will appear in the conversation admin area of Hello:chat.

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To link Instagram to your Facebook page and Support Board follow the steps below.

  1. Enter the Settings area of your Facebook Page and click Left Menu > Instagram (
  2. Click Connect account and complete the setup.
  3. Sync Messenger with Support Board again and you're done.

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The settings below are related to the Twitter app.


  1. Register at Make sure to verify your phone at or the registration will fail.
  2. Create your first app by entering the app name and clickGet keys, copy API Key (Consumer key) and API Key Secret (Consumer secret) and paste them in Hello Chat > Settings > Twitter.
  3. Request the Elevated access from Click Apply for Elevated and complete the form as follow: In the first area In your words and in Will your app use Tweet, Retweet, Like, Follow, or Direct Message functionality? enter I need access to the Account Activity API to start receiving Twitter Direct Messages to my chat software(Hello Chat) and to reply to them directly from Hello Chat. Disable all the other fields by clicking No: Are you planning to analyze Twitter data?, Do you plan to display Tweets or aggregate data about Twitter content outside Twitter?, Will your product, service, or analysis make Twitter content or derived information available to a government entity?
  4. Wait a few days for Twitter to review and approve the Elevated access, you will receive an email from Twitter.
  5. Once you have Elevated access, enter the developers dashboard ( and from the left menu click Products > Premium > Dev environments and under Account Activity API / Sandbox click Set up dev environment, in Dev environment label enter sb or the same value entered in Settings > Twitter > Synchronization > Dev environment label.
  6. Enter your app Settings area from Left menu > Projects & Apps > Your project > Your app and under User authentication settings click Set up and activate OAuth 1.0a. In App permissions check Read and write and Direct message, in Callback URI / Redirect URL enter the URL you get from Hello Chat > Settings > Twitter > Get callback URL, in Website URL enter your website URL.
  7. Enter your app Keys and tokens area from Left menu > Projects & Apps > Your project > Your app > Keys and tokens and under Authentication Tokens generate Access Token and Secret, copy and paste them in Hello Chat > Settings > Twitter.
  8. Enter your Twitter profile username in Hello Chat > Settings > Twitter > Your username. Get it from your Twitter profile page, copy the name starting with @ or the URL part containing your username.
  9. Save the Hello Chat settings and click the button Hello Chat > Settings > Twitter > Subscribe and you're done. All messages sent to your Twitter account will be received by Hello Chat.

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Google Business Messages

The settings below are related to the Google Business Messages app.


  1. In Hello Chat > Settings > Business Messages > Synchronization > Client token enter a random string and save.
  2. Open the Business Communications Console ( and sign in with your Business Messages Google account.
  3. Click Partner account settings on top.
  4. Configure the Webhook by entering the Webhook URL and the Client token and save the changes, get the values from Hello Chat > Settings > Business Messages > Synchronization.
  5. Enter back into the Business Communications Console ( and open your partner account.
  6. Click Service account from the left menu and create a new key, download the key and open it with a text editor such as Notepad, copy private_keyclient_email, and paste the values in Hello Chat > Settings > Business Messages > Synchronization.
  7. To test your agent visit, click your brand to enter your brand Overview area, under Agent information > Agent test URLs click on the button suitable for your mobile device and open the link from your mobile device.
  8. To create a live agent for a real location on Google Maps, open your partner account, create a new agent, add Google Maps locations from Left menu > Locations, complete all other information prompts and then verify and launch the agent from Left menu > Verify and Left menu > Launch.

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The settings below are related to the Google Business Messages app.


  1. Go to the admin area of Support Board , then go to Settings > Apps > Telegram, and enter the Envato purchase code to install and activate the app. If you have the cloud version the app is already active.
  2. Go here:
  3. If you have already created a Telegram bot in the past, type the command /mybots and open your bot, then click API token.
  4. If you never created a Telegram bot before, type the command /newbot to create a new bot. The BotFather will ask you for a name and username, enter them and generate the authentication token. More details at
  5. Copy the token and paste it into Hello Chat > Telegram > Token, then click Synchronize now. Your website must use HTTPS (SSL certificate), HTTP is not supported.
  6. You're done. All messages sent to your Telegram bot will appear in the conversation admin area of Hello Chat.

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The settings below are related to the Viber app.


  1. From Settings > Apps, click Viber and enter your license key to install and activate the app. If you have the cloud version the app is already active.
  2. Create the bot at
  3. Copy the token and paste it into Hello Chat > Viber > Token, then click Synchronize now. Your website must use HTTPS (SSL certificate), HTTP is not supported.
  4. You're done. All messages sent to your Viber bot will appear in the conversation admin area of Hello Chat.

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The settings below are related to the Zendesk App.


  1. Get the domain from the URL of your Zendesk admin area, copy the first part of the URL: For example, the domain of **** is supportboard.
  2. Get the API key from Left menu > Admin > Channels > API > Settings. Click Add API token.
  3. The email is your Zendesk account email.

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The settings below are related to the LINE app.


  1. Login at or create a new account.
  2. Create a new Provider and then a new Messaging API channel, select Messaging API as channel type
  3. From the channel Basic settings area copy Channel secret and paste it into Hello Chat > Settings > Line > Synchronization > Channel secret.
  4. From the channel Messaging API area generate a Channel access token (long-lived), copy it and paste it into Hello Chat > Settings > Line > Synchronization > Access token.
  5. Enter your Webhook URL into Webhook URL and click Verify. Get the Webhook URL from Hello Chat > Settings > Line > Synchronization > Webhook URL.
  6. Enable Use webhook.
  7. Scan the QR code with your LINE mobile app to start writing to your channel.
  8. Disable the Auto-reply messages setting.
  9. You're done. All messages sent to your LINE bot account will appear in the conversation admin area of Hello Chat.

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The settings below are related to the WeChat app.


  1. From Settings > Apps, click WeChat and enter your license key to install and activate the app. If you have the cloud version the app is already active.
  2. Visit and register a Service account.
  3. After the registration enter Official accounts area and from the left menu click Settings and development > WeChat verification. You must complete the verification, it takes a few weeks and costs USD 99, or CNY 300 for chinese entities.
  4. From the left menu click Settings and development > Basic configuration and copy Developer ID(App ID)Developer Password(App Secret). Paste the information into Hello Chat > Settings > WeChat.
  5. From the left menu click Settings and development > Basic configuration and complete the server configuration (服务器配置(已启用). In Server Address(URL) enter the URL you get from Hello Chat > Settings > WeChat > Synchronization > Get configuration URL. In Token insert any value you want, the same value must be entered in Hello Chat > Settings > WeChat > Token.
  6. You're done. All messages sent to your WeChat account will appear in the conversation admin area of Support Board.

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Integrate Zapier with Hello Chat by following the steps below. Integration is based on the Support Board webhooks, each webhook is a Zapier trigger, so you have 15+ Zapier triggers available, for more details visit the webhooks page.

  1. Go to and login, or register a new account.
  2. Create a new integration by clicking Start a Zapier Integration, or visit Fill in all required fields, like name and description, and click Create, you can enter any text you want, but keep the name of the app in mind because you will need it later.
  3. From the left menu click Triggers and then Add Trigger.
  4. Fill in all required fields, like key and description, and click Save And Continue, you can enter any text you want.
  5. On top click API Configuration, choose REST Hook as Trigger Type, and click Save.
  6. Go back to the Settings area of the trigger, or go to, and click Create a Zap.
  7. Search for your newly created app by entering the app name and click it. In Trigger Event select your trigger and click continue.
  8. Copy the Webhook URL, click Continue, and then enter the Support Board admin area and enter it into Settings > Miscellaneous > Webhooks > URL, activate the webhooks, save the settings and reload Hello Chat.
  9. Make something to trigger a webhook like sending a message, or creating a new user, then go back to Zapier and click Test Trigger and you should see the Support Board webhook data. Click Continue.
  10. Click the right button Filters and set up the filter in order to trigger the integration only if a variable exists. You need the filter because Support Board will send all webhooks to all zaps. Example: if your zap wants to integrate the messages of Support Board , you will need to set the filter to continue only if the variable message exists.
  11. Click Continue, or + and add your integration.
  12. To use multiple zaps and webhooks you will need to update Settings > Miscellaneous > Webhooks > URL and add the new zap IDs, separated by commas. Example: if you have two zaps with URLs **** and ****, the URL must be **,aaaa66t/**.

In conclusion, Hello:chat is the ultimate solution for real estate agents who want to boost their online presence and generate more leads. With our advanced AI-powered chatbot Ana, you can provide instant and personalized responses to your customers' queries across multiple platforms. You can also manage all your conversations in one easy-to-use dashboard and track your performance metrics.

Hello:chat is more than just a chatbot tool. It's a smart and efficient way to connect with your customers and grow your business. By importing your social networks into our dashboard, you can start enjoying the benefits of our multichannel chat today.

If you have any questions or need any help, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always here to support you and make your experience with Hello:chat as smooth as possible.
